The March for Life is this week! If you don’t already have pro-life merch or signs ordered, it’s probably too late. But it’s not too late to make your own sign! And a sign is one of the best ways to maximize your impact as you march for life.
Top 5 March for Life Sign Ideas (for Latter-day Saints)
For the creatives out there—break out the markers or paints! The sky’s the limit. You can draw pictures of:
Babies, of course! (born or preborn)
Pregnant mothers or parents with their baby
Baby feet or hands (bonus points if you have a real baby you can use to make real foot- or handprints!)
Temples (to emphasize the Church you belong to)
Eye-catching designs to emphasize a written message
Scriptures and religious quotes
God’s words bring a special power and authority, and you can’t go wrong using His words to share a pro-life message. You can search our Doctrinal Library for hundreds of ideas, but here are some top picks:
“Thou shalt not … kill, nor do anything like unto it” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:6)
“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” (Psalm 127:3)
“Now, as a servant of the Lord, I dutifully warn those who advocate and practice abortion that they incur the wrath of Almighty God” (Russell M. Nelson)
“Human life is a sacred gift from God.” (Gospel Topics: Abortion)
“We affirm the sanctity of life” (The Family: A Proclamation to the World)
“Children are entitled to birth” (The Family: A Proclamation to the World)
“Abortion is an evil, stark and real and repugnant” (Gordon B. Hinckley)
“My life is a gift; my life has a plan.” (“I Will Follow God’s Plan”)
“Families can be together forever” (“Families Can Be Together Forever”)
“I am a child of God” (“I Am a Child of God”)
TIP: Use as few words as possible so people can actually read your sign!
A brief story or testimony can touch hearts in unique ways. You can share a short sentence about why you’re grateful you’re alive, or why you know preborn life is sacred. Consider writing about:
“I’m a pro-life _____” (fill in something else you can identify as: Latter-day Saint, doctor or nurse, woman, etc.)
Why you’re glad you’re alive (e.g., “I’m glad my mom chose life”, “my mom became a teen mom. Thank you, mom”, etc.)
Why you know preborn life is sacred (e.g., “I had a miscarriage. My baby mattered”)
Your experience becoming a parent (e.g., “I’m a single mom. My son is a gift!”, “I’m a dad of X kids. I will protect them”)
Your experience around abortion (e.g., “I regret my abortion”, “I lost my child/sibling/grandchild to abortion”)
Your testimony of God’s word and His plan for His children (e.g., “God made me before I was born!”)
You can always go with a catchy slogan! You can state who you are as a Latter-day Saint for Life (e.g., “I’m a Latter-day Saint for Life”), or choose a general popular slogan:
I am pro-life
Pregnant? We will help you.
I am the pro-life generation
Human rights begin in the womb
We are the voice of the voiceless
As a former fetus, I oppose abortion
Pray to end abortion
Love them both
Pro-woman, pro-life
Empowered women empower women
Abortion hurts women
Abortion is the leading cause of death
Abortion is not healthcare
Free downloads
We made these free downloads for 40 Days for Life, and they still apply for the March for Life! If you happen to have time to get these printed at your local print shop, these are professional and beautiful ways to share your pro-life message!
Right-click on images above to download. Even though these signs are free to download, we recommend you pay to get them professionally printed in color and large enough to be read easily, if possible. Reach out to your local UPS, FedEx, or small business printer.
What not to put on your sign
Shock-value graphic images
Aborted baby pictures may have their place in helping people understand the evil reality of abortion, but we at Latter-day Saints for Life strongly discourage using disturbing images in public places like the March for Life where children may easily see them.
Aggressive, crass, or unkind messages
Some pro-life slogans may seem like strong gotchas but are actually unprofessional and unkind. Such messages are not only ineffective in changing minds, but they are also unbecoming and inappropriate for a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to share. There are many other ways to stand for truth and against evil without resorting to juvenile tactics.
Some Final Notes + Go Forth with Faith!
It might seem like a small thing, but we encourage you to pray over your sign design. Pray that you choose a message that might touch someone’s heart and be a part of changing minds and saving lives.
Remember, you are representing both the pro-life movement and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when you march as a Latter-day Saint for Life. It’s a great responsibility—and a great opportunity. The Lord will send His Spirit to guide you if you ask for it! Enjoy your weekend!
As you create your sign and as you March for Life, please take pictures, and send them to us! You can send them directly to us via email (info@latterdaysaintsforlife), send us a message on Instagram or Facebook, or tag us on Instagram: @latterdaysaintsforlife !